Simchon, A., Edwards, M., & Lewandowsky, S. (2024). The persuasive effects of political microtargeting in the age of generative artificial intelligencePNAS nexus3(2), pgae035.

Simchon, A., & Gilead, M. (2024). A Psychologically-Informed Approach to “Actuarial” Decision Making. Decision.

Simchon, A., Hadar, B., & Gilead, M. (2023). A Computational Text Analysis Investigation of the Relation Between Personal and Linguistic Agency. Communications Psychology1(1), 23

Simchon, A., Sutton, A., Edwards, M., and Lewandowsky, S. (2023). Online reading habits can reveal personality traits: towards detecting psychological microtargeting. PNAS Nexus. 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad191.

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Simchon, A., Turkin, C., Svoray, T., Kloog, I., Dorman, M., & Gilead, M. (2021). Beyond doubt in a dangerous world: The effect of existential threats on the certitude of societal discourseJournal of Experimental Social Psychology97, 104221.

Simchon, A., Guntuku, S. C., Simhon, R., Ungar, L. H., Hassin, R. R., & Gilead, M. (2020). Political Depression? A Big-Data, Multi-Method Investigation of Americans’ Emotional Response to the Trump Presidency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(11), 2154–2168.

Simchon, A., & Gilead, M. (2018). A Psychologically Informed Approach to CLPsych Shared Task 2018. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Keyboard to Clinic (pp. 113-118).

Gamoran, A.^, Kaplan, Y.^, Orr, R. I., Simchon, A.*, & Gilead, M.* (2021). Using Psychologically‑Informed Priors for Suicide Prediction in the CLPsych 2021 shared task. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access, 103–109.

Lewandowsky, S., Garcia, D., Simchon, A., & Carrella, F. (2024). When liars are considered honestTrends in Cognitive Sciences.

Nussinson, R., Rozenberg, I., Hatzek, A., Mentser, S., Navon, M., Gilead, M., Simchon, A., Sverdlik,N., & Liberman, N. (2024). The poetry of psychological distance: Bi-directional associations between stimulus speed and its psychological distance and construal level. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (in press). Link to preprint.

Lasser, J., Aroyehun, S. T., Carrella, F., Simchon, A., Garcia, D., & Lewandowsky, S. (2023). New conceptions of truth foster misinformation in online public political discourse. Nature Human Behaviour. In press. Link to preprint.

Bornstein, O., Moran, T., Simchon, A., & Eyal, T. (2023). The effect of psychological distance on the experience of joy versus pride. Social Cognition41(4), 341-364.

Sutton, A., Simchon, A., Edwards, M., & Lewandowsky, S. (2023). You are what you read: Inferring personality from consumed textual content. In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis (WASSA 2023). Association for Computational Linguistics.

Lasser, J., Aroyehun, S.T., Simchon, A., Carrella, F., Garcia, D., & Lewandowsky, S. (2022). Social media sharing of low quality news sources by political elites, PNAS Nexus, pgac186,

Yatziv, T., Simchon, A., Manco, N., Gilead, M., & Rutherford, H.J.V. (2022). Parental mentalizing during a pandemic: Use of mental state language on parenting social media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinical Psychological Science, 21677026211062612.

Bornstein, O., Katzir, M., Simchon, A., & Eyal, T. (2021). Differential effects of abstract and concrete processing on the reactivity of basic and self‑conscious emotions. Cognition and Emotion35(4), 593-606.

Jones, B., DeBruine, L. M., Flake, J. K., Liuzza, M. T., Antfolk, J., Arinze, N. C.,…, Simchon, A.,…, & Coles, N. A. (2020). To which world regions does the valence‑dominance model of social perception apply?Nature human behaviour5(1), pp.159-169.

Kessler, Y., Rac-Lubashevsky, R., Lichtstein, C., Markus, H., Simchon, A., & Moscovitch, M. (2015). Updating visual working memory in the change detection paradigm. Journal of vision,15(9), 18-18.

Carrella, F., Aroyehun, S. T., Lasser, J., Simchon, A., Garcia, D., & Lewandowsky, S. (2023). The ‘Truth Contagion’ Effect in the US Political Online Debate. Link to preprint.

Smith, F., Simchon, A., Holford, D. L., & Lewandowsky, S. (2023). Reducing social media engagement with affectively polarised content via inoculation. Link to preprint.